International Distribution


We help your company, or your brand achieve an International Distribution

B2F team members are a specialist in FMCG capable of providing a wide range of services into more than 70 countries and multiple retailers.

We are specialist in distributors & retailers in personal care, health care & beauty businesses around the world to build a profitable and sustainable long-term business.

Our services include but are not limited to initial market assessment, routes to market, distribution strategy, pricing policies, promotional strategy … and also brand or product development, packaging needs, … right through to launch and on-going business.

Our network of industry contacts and associates enables us to provide services that go beyond those of a typical distributor or agent.


Market Entry Assessment

Entering a new market is a significant step. This includes defining the right road to market development, assessing any barriers to entry and understanding the requirements of the market.

Market Entry Strategy

We use the information gathered through the Market Entry Assessment to formulate the most effective go to market strategy which will include distribution channels, routes to market, category and target competitors, price positioning, advertising and promotion. We work in different ways depending on each client’s individual needs and preferences.

Business Development

Whether its building business for a new brand entering the market for the first time, or simply reviewing and advising how to move your existing business to the next level.

Country Management

Getting the best from your distribution partner is critical for the development of a successful business. Our approach is to work collaboratively for your new country partners to formulate and implement sales and marketing activities, monitor results and adapt plans accordingly. We find that this approach ensures that your brand receives its fair share of time and maximizes sales.

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