Legal warning

Details of the company that develops Mírame Academy in all countries

Company Name: Brands to the Future, comapny ID: B88477344

Activity: Consulting and business development

Address: calleLagasca 95, 28006 Madrid, Spain

Contact email:

Brands to the Future has adopted the measures and security levels required by the law of each country. The Data Protection Policy adopted by Brands to the Future may vary over time, due to possible legislative changes or the criteria followed by the Data Protection Agency. Any changes that may occur in this regard will be communicated through these pages. Brands to the Future has also adopted the measures required in the Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce both in the EU and in the countries where the platform is marketed, in the process of development and implementation of the page web

The information obtained by Brands to the Future through the existing forms on the website, is filed in a registered automated file owned by Brands to the Future

The purpose of data collection and processing is to carry out commercial actions with end consumers, publicity of the entity and attend to the queries and requests of the users of the website

The completion of forms or sending emails or other communications to, imply the express consent of the user to the processing of their Personal Data by Brands to the Future. The personal data provided to Brands to the Future through the website will not be transferred to any company or entity, and will only be used to fulfill the purposes described above.

Brands to the Future has adopted the appropriate security levels for the data it stores and processes. In addition, Brands to the Future has installed all the technical means and measures at its disposal to guarantee the confidentiality of the data, avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the same. Any user who wishes, can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by sending a written and signed request, including their name, surnames and a photocopy of the DNI or other valid supporting document, in which the exercise of those rights you want, to Brands to the Future, File Manager, at the address: Wisma GKBI Bulding, 37th Floor (3707) Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 28. Jakarta Selatan 10210. Indonesia or by e-mail to This service will have no cost to the applicant.

When a user accesses the web pages of Brands to the Future, the server where these web pages are hosted automatically recognizes the IP address assigned to the computer that makes the connection, the day and time at which they entered, the day and time you left the connection, and why parts of the web pages you have moved. It is necessary that the server where the Brands to the Future web pages are hosted know this data from the user’s computer because it has to be able to communicate with it to send data requested by the user through the browser and that it can see them on its screen . It is not possible that in this way Brands to the Future can know the user’s personal data, such as his name, address, telephone, etc. If the user himself has not provided them.

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